Название предмета: Comparative Politics 

Объем (ECTS кредиты)


Тип предмета (обязательный или по выбору)


Семестр преподавания предмета



The course is devoted to the issues of contemporary comparative politics. We focus on questions central to research in comparative politics, including the challenges for democratization and democratic stability in certain social and economic contexts, how countries vary in their political institutions why these variations matter. We also look at the methodology and tools of comparative research. Country cases are drawn from different regions of the world to ground students in the set of tools of comparative analysis.

Предпосылки прохождения предмета

  • Have general knowledge on political concepts and ideas, to know the main characteristics of political systems and regimes;
  • Have certain skills in case studies;
  • To be able to study individually as well as in groups;
  • To have knowledge of English sufficient for completion of oral and written tasks, as well as reading primary sources.

Цель предмета

The goal of the course is to learn the basic concepts and methods of comparative politics and to use them in practical comparison of different countries, their contexts and political institutions.

Связи между результатами программы, результатами предмета, методами обучения и методами оценивания достижения результатов

Результаты программы

Результаты предмета

Методы обучения

Критерии оценивания достижений результатов

In the sphere of knowledge and its application:

·   To understand the nature of politics as a special sphere of public life, its significance and national, European, international and global dimensions;

·   To be familiar with political evolution of thought, characteristics of the political system of one’s own country, other countries and the European Union and ability to compare them;

·   To have an ability to describe the main tendencies of international relations, international cooperation and conflicts in the modern world, as well as foreign and security politics of one’s own country and other countries.

To know the main concepts of comparative politics;


To be able to apply main concepts and methods of comparative politics in research;


To be able to make distinctions between political institutions of different designs and within different contexts;




Written tasks;



Team work;

Case studies;


Students know the main concepts of comparative politics and could apply them.


Students are able to apply the main methods and concepts in their research.


Students are able to make distinctions between political institutions in different contexts.

In the sphere of research skills:

·   To be able to apply political science concepts, theories and methods for the analysis of political ideas, institutions, practices, public and domestic and international relations and global problems, as well as to justify topicalities of the chosen research theme in terms of society;

·   To be able to search, gather and critically assess important and necessary information from a variety of various available primary and secondary sources and using the latest information technologies and academic databases.

To be able to analyze governance in comparative perspective;


To be able to search, gather and critically assess important and necessary information from a variety of various available primary and secondary sources and using the latest information technologies and academic databases.




Written tasks;



Team work;

Case studies;


Students are able to analyze governance in comparative perspective.


Students are able to search, gather and critically assess important and necessary information from a variety of various available primary and secondary sources and using the latest information technologies and academic databases for comparative studies.   

 Тематика курса

  1. Comparative politics: introduction
  2. Theory and methodology of comparative politics
  3. States and state formation
  4. Political regimes and transitions
  5. Democratic and non-democratic states
  6. Governance in comparative perspective

Распределение нагрузки студентов

18  ч. – контактные часы (лекции, семинары, онлайн-занятия и др.)

142 ч. – самостоятельная работа.

Формы и методы оценивания учебных достижений студентов

Essay, presentation, seminars and written exam.

Структура накопительной оценки

  • Activities within seminars and online classes – 30%
  • Written assignments (final grade for review and essay) – 40%
  • Exam – 30%.

Основная литература

  1. Almond, G. "Comparative politics Today: A World View/Gabriel A. Almond, Russell J. Dalton, Jr. G. Bingham Powell, Kaare Strom." (2008).
  2. Boix, Carles, and Susan Carol Stokes, eds. The Oxford handbook of comparative politics. Vol. 4. Oxford Handbooks of Political, 2007.
  3. Haynes, Jeffrey. Comparative politics in a globalizing world. Polity, 2005.
  4. Kohli, Atul, Peter Evans, Peter J. Katzenstein, Adam Przeworski, Suzanne Hoeber Rudolph, James C. Scott, and Theda Skocpol. 1995. “The Role of Theory in Comparative Politics: A Symposium.” World Politics 49: 1-49.
  5. O'Neil, Patrick H., and Karl Fields. Cases in Comparative Politics. WW Norton & Company, 2015.
  6. O'Neil, Patrick H., and Ron Rogowski. "Essential readings in comparative politics." (2010).