Название предмета: Welfare economics 

Объем (ECTS кредиты)


Тип предмета (обязательный или по выбору)

По выбору

Семестр преподавания предмета


The course on welfare economics intends to acknowledge students with the theories and issues of welfare, welfare state and principles, and methods of the analysis of welfare economics.
Emphasis is made on understanding of multidimensional welfare state concept, its models, developments and measurement. The course consists of the fundamentals of welfare theory and its application to policy. Students study main welfare concepts, models of economic exchange and production, uncertainty, optimality, public goods, social improvement criteria, quality of life in nation and its measurement, theories of implementation and economic and political mechanisms design.

Предпосылки прохождения предмета

Participations’ prerequisites. The students should:

  • Successfully pass the courses in macro- and microeconomics
  • Have substantial knowledge of the state as a political institution
  • Know and be able apply the method of case study

The goal of the course is to introduce students to concepts, theories and contemporary issues of welfare economics and welfare state, using analysis of the actual welfare issues theoretically in the context of welfare economics theory.

 Связи между результатами программы, результатами предмета, методами обучения и методами оценивания достижения результатов

Learning outcomes

Study methods

Methods of student's achievement assessment

In the sphere of knowledge and its application:

·  To be able to demonstrate integrated knowledge of professional activities based on the economic theory and other sciences;


In the sphere of special abilities:

·       To be able to plan, organise, implement and evaluate economic processes through independent selection of comprehensive technological, organisational and methodological means.



Written tasks;



Case studies.







Seminars; case study; written tasks; self-work; presentations.

Reading of written papers;

Reading/supervision of the written papers and case study;

Supervision of the problem-oriented discussion;

written examination.


Reading of written papers;

Reading/supervision of the written papers and case study;

Supervision of the problem-oriented discussion;

written examination.

 Тематика курса

  1. Introduction to welfare economics: some basic concepts, problems of definition and measurement
  2. State and markets: market failures and public sector. Markets and basic conditions of Pareto efficiency
  3. Social justice and the state, social welfare function. Origin and models of welfare state. Poverty and inequality in the modern welfare state: concepts and measurement
  4. Income and subjective well-being. The paradox of happiness. Well-being in nation and its measurement
  5. Benefits in kind: health and health care, education. Public goods
  6. Insurance and social insurance: theory, practise and contemporary challenges
  7. Pension economics: types of pensions, methods of financing, reform issues

 Распределение нагрузки студентов

18 ч. – контактные часы (лекции, семинары, онлайн-занятия и др.)

142 ч. – самостоятельная работа.

Формы и методы оценивания учебных достижений студентов

Online classes, presentation, essay, exam.

 Структура накопительной оценки

  • Activities within online classes – 30%
  • Written assignments (essay and presentation) – 40%
  • Exam – 30%. 

Основная литература

  1. Barr, N. (2012). Economics of the welfare state. Oxford university press.
  2. Castles, F. G., Leibfried, S., Lewis, J., Obinger, H., & Pierson, C. (Eds.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of the welfare state. OUP Oxford.
  3. Fitzpatrick, T. (2011). Welfare theory: An introduction to the theoretical debates in social policy. Macmillan International Higher Education.
  4. Uprasen, U. (2010). The Handbook of European Welfare Systems Edited by Klaus Schubert, Simon Hegelich and Ursula Bazant. Mediterranean review3(2), 93-95.
  5. Van Den Doel, H., & Van Velthoven, B. (1995). Democracy and welfare economics. Cambridge University Press.