Приглашаем записываться на курс Принстонского университета "Global History Lab: A History of the World since 1300"

Приглашаем записываться на курс Принстонского университета "Global History Lab: A History of the World since 1300"

par Nadzeya Khrapavitskaja,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Уважаемые студенты ЕГУ, здравствуйте, 

Честь имею пригласить вас разделить со мной радость включения в совместный курс по всеобщей истории Global History Lab. Курс объемом 4 кредита разработан коллегами из PRINSTON(a) и будет исполняться для студентов сети OSUN летом 2020 года с 22 июня по 8 августа на английском языке. Завершится сертификатом BARD(а). Получение сертификата будет плюсом при обмене с Бард колледжем. Количество мест ограничено. Отбор участников от EHU осуществит специальная междепартаментальная комиссия. 

Условия два: 

1. Трезво взвесить свои возможности и готовность работать в этот период.

2.  До 5 июня включительно представить по данному электронному адресу aliaksandr.kalbaska@ehu.lt  мотивационное письмо объемом до 100 слов, гарантирующее личную заинтересованность и готовность не сойти с дистанции досрочно. 

С нетерпением, 

Александр Колбаско

Дополнительную информацию о курсе см. ниже и в прикрепленном файле.

The Global History Lab

What is the Global History Lab?

Created in 2012 as the first Massive Open Online course in history, the GHL is a blended, free, and open-access online Princeton course. Called “The History of the World since 1300,” it covers the history of globalization, in part by bringing the world into the classroom. Working with partner institutions around the world that provide face-to-face, in-class instruction to support online lectures and assignments, the GHL’s online classroom becomes a medium for deep exchange between strangers, where both the content of the course and the method of instruction require students to think globally.

How does it work?

Unlike other MOOCs (and traditional classrooms) in which students learn in parallel, “A History of the World” relies on connected and sustained exchange to co-create historical knowledge. As students work with their local peers to create presentations for the class gallery, they rely on their counterparts around the world to teach them about other topics and sources. Interdependence is built into the class structure, and students are encouraged to see their peers, near and far, as contributors to the class’s growing reservoir of shared knowledge. The many perspectives that students bring to the classroom, and the narratives they study and create with each other, both enrich learners’ experience in the class and suggest possibilities for global histories that are more multi-vocal and diverse, incorporating student voices from around the planet.

Since 2007, when “A History of the World” first launched online, it has been committed to the inclusion of the historically excluded. Refugee and migrant students with limited access to higher education learn together with non-refugee peers; the GHL’s framework enables participants to learn not in spite of distance, but because distance and difference bring a mosaic of perspectives to the study of the global past. Students experiencing displacement feel included in the historical mosaic; non-refugees learn from their stateless peers.

History Dialogues: The Right to Research

In 2019, the GHL piloted “History Dialogues,” a research-methods course in which students learn skills in project planning and implementation, oral history interviewing, and primary source analysis that they use to carry out an independent research project on a topic of their choosing. Throughout the course, they share ideas, insights, and challenges with their colleagues, using the online classroom to connect across time zones and continents. Students share their research with the rest of the class and with their local community, modeling scholarship that is both locally and globally engaged. “History Dialogues” inverts traditional hierarchies of knowledge production by helping displaced learners and their neighbors build the research and critical thinking skills needed to create and share historical narratives—turning them from consumers to producers of historical knowledge.

A Global Network of Partners

To overcome the pitfalls of online learning, the GHL works with a growing network of partner institutions. By September, this network will include more than 10 partners around the world. The networked model leverages the advantages of both online, connected learning—the ability to bring the world into the course—and face-to-face, classroom instruction—personal connection, team-based learning, and individual support.

Learning Together in a Fractured Age

As universities explore new vistas for civically-engaged learning, as the humanities and social sciences consider their humanitarian commitments, the Lab is an experiment in cross-border learning, social inclusion, and inter-university cooperation and collaboration, one that builds capacities to learn together in a fractured age.

To learn more, please visit https://history.princeton.edu/centers-programs/global-history-lab

(Edited by EHU Moodle Admin - original submission Saturday, 16 May 2020, 11:32 AM)

(Edited by EHU Moodle Admin - original submission Saturday, 16 May 2020, 11:32 AM)

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